Showing posts with label challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kitchen Challenge Take Two

A rush of wildlife sightings have occurred of late in my neck of the woods. The deer were not deterred by the snow and continued to camp out under the evergreens at the edge of the yard. If you read my last post you know wildlife encounters are not always pleasant in these parts, but neither Caleb or I have been attacked or molested by a deer, anyways. I'm still keeping an eye out for the gray squirrel, who I neither trust nor encourage to roam freely about the property, which he does. I spotted him bounding along the roof of the cabin the other day and my blood ran cold.

Perhaps I'm hyper aware of the creatures around me due to the viewing of two nature embracing films. The first was The Cove, very chilling and sad and makes one wonder about sushi. The second was Winged Migration, quite the opposite, rather inspiring and beautiful in a boring sort of way. Although my opinion on nature documentaries is not to be trusted. In all honesty, I find Blue Planet ho hum. Look, not a popular point of view, I know, but the truth.

With winged migration in mind I was particularly impressed when upon walking up to Elk Lake on Victoria's single blissful snow day, hoards of duck and geese were winging in and out of the lake. The honk of the goose is quite chilling in the snow as wind whips across the lake. If only I could learn to imitate it. But some things are not meant to be.

It is with these wonderful creatures in mind that I propose the next challenge.

Haley: Prepare yourself. This will be wonderful. Consider the call of the goose, and prepare to prepare your:

duck, duck, duck Goose! duck.