Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bean there done that...

o.k. rach, i had to report that i finally made your notorious bean cookies yesterday. there was a slight alteration made, unintentionally really. i went to purchase some white kidney beans (gasp, yes i was opting for the can) and my local trusted Country Grocer did not carry any. I settled instead for the Romano beans the only beans that appeared white. i was slightly taken aback when i opened the can to a more beige/brown bean. i was a little concerned for the taste/color alteration to the cookie, but forged ahead! my perseverance paid off...i found the cookies to be hearty little nuggets (expect nothing less from a true Reems cookie) that were surprisingly tasty. another alteration to note is i added 2 Tbsp. of ground Flax Seed as the 'Breakfast Bean Cookie' recipe from One Smart Cookie suggested. i had a friend over who had to try these so called cookies and gave a thumbs up as well. they are b-man approved and i'm feeling pretty smug that i've managed to up the content of beans in this here household by mere cookies!!! revolutionary really...thanks r1 for pointing us in the right direction.


  1. I must say, for some reason I am reluctant to attempt the bean cookie.I have a similar attitude toward tomato juice (tomato=spaghetti sauce, sandwich topping.. NOT a juice; beans=hummus, chili.. NOT a dessert) Perhaps, R2, you could put a beano-cookie in the freezer for me to break this food barrier when I'm in Victoria..

  2. OK, that last comment was mine. I use my friends' login to see their blog..

  3. You're missing out moochy.
